Sessions of similar topics may be proposed, if needed we will schedule them at different slots over the conference period. SP1. "Nano-Plasmonics for Sensing"Organizers: Andrea Toma & Remo Proietti Zaccaria (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy) The session will be focused on research themes related to plasmonics, especially to sensing oriented micro/nano-devices and their applications. In this regard, topics embracing applications in the wavelength range from the UV to the THz will be especially welcome. In terms of the addressed sensing techniques, we shall consider devices falling in research domains such as SERS (both single molecule and mixtures), TERS, infrared absorption spectroscopy, plasmonic fluorescence and transient absorption spectroscopy. Applications of both theoretical and experimental cut-edge research works will be considered. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP2. "Functional Materials and Devices for Acoustic and Elastic Waves"Organizers: Guancong Ma (Hong Kong Unviersity of Science and Technology, Hong Kong) & Yun Lai (Soochow University, China) Acoustic and elastic waves are ubiquitous, making them important across many areas of studies. Artificially designed functional materials and devices, such as metamaterials, wave crystals, have broadened the horizons of propagation control of acoustic and elastic waves. In this session, we share and discuss new advances and novel phenomena in this exciting field. Related topics that are not explicitly listed are also welcomed. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP3. "Nanophotonics on Silicon Platform"Organizer: Jian Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) Silicon photonics has become one of the most promising photonic integration platforms owing to its small footprint, high-index contrast, low power consumption, and availability of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication technology for low-cost mass production. Nanophotonics on silicon platform offers more oppotunities for not only nanostructured silicon photonic devices but also nanostructured III-V/silicon, LiNbO3/silicon, organic/silicon, plasmon/silicon and graphene/silicon hyrbid photonic devices. Silicon nanophotonics facilitates various chip-scale optical interconnects, chip-scale photonic signal processing, chip-scale optical sensing and chip-scale spatial light manipulation applications. This session focuses on nanophotonic devices and applications on silicon platform including but not limited to: Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP4. "Metasurfaces and 2D Metamaterials in microwave region"Organizers: Kuang Zhang (Harbin Institute of Technology, China) & Shah Nawaz Burokur (Université Paris Ouest, France) Metasurfaces have recently stimulated great interest in achieving flat devices over sub-wavelength thin layers. Taking advantages of local and space-variant abrupt changes in phase, amplitude and polarization, versatile beam behaviors in microwave region can be obtained. Kinds of theoretical and practical applications have been achieved, including metalenses, beam carrying orbital angular momentum, spoof surface plasmon polariton excitation, digital metamaterial and invisibility cloaking. This session aims to cover recent advances on the design of metasurfaces and related applications. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP5. "Singularity Points in Acoustic Metamaterials: Physics and Applications"Organizers: Jie Zhu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China) & Xuefeng Zhu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) In recent years, many appealing phenomena have been observed at the singularity points in acoustic systems, from parity-time symmetric acoustic/phononic devices, vortex/accelerating beams to acoustic zero index metamaterial and topological insulators, etc. This special session will focus on the latest theoretical and experimental developments in the singularity point physics of acoustic metamaterials and their potential applications. In particular, the topics covered are: Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP6. "Photonic topological insulators: fundamental physics and state-of-the-art devices"Organizers: Alexey Slobozhanyuk & Andrey Miroshnichenko (Australian National University, Australia) The discovery of different photonic structures which support topologically nontrivial states has stimulated the development of robust to defects and disorder optical systems. After almost a decade the research of topological physics with light has been elaborated in one, two and three dimensional electromagnetic structures, including plasmonic and all-dielectric photonic crystals and metamaterials. Currently, the generation of state-of-the-art photonic devices based on topological features have yet to emerge. This session will focus on recent advances of innovative theoretical and experimental approaches to explore topologically nontrivial states, from microwave and optical proof of concept experiments to highly efficient devices. Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP7. "Transformation Optics concept and applications"Organizers: Shah Nawaz Burokur (Université Paris Ouest, France) & André de Lustrac (Université Paris-Sud, France), Jianjia Yi (Xidian University, China) Transformation Optics (TO) is a powerful tool that provides the conceptual design of novel, and otherwise unattainable, electromagnetic and optical devices by controlling the wave propagation path and the material properties. This section will cover all topics related to the use of TO and its application to the design of microwave and optical devices. Applications for wave control include antennas, lenses, illusion devices, waveguide tapers and bends, field rotators (non-exhaustive list). Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP8. "Advanced passive and active metasurfaces"Organizers: Howard Lee (Baylor University and Texas A&M, USA) & Din Ping Tsai (Academia Sinica Taiwan and National Taiwan University, Taiwan) Metasurfaces are arrays of subwavelength anisotropic light scatters (optical antennas) that can produce abrupt changes in the phase, amplitude, or polarization of light. Within last five years significant progress, design of metasurfaces that refract and focus light, enabling many unique properties and applications such as holograms, optical vortex generation/detection, ultrathin focusing lens, etc. This technical session will cover the fundamental principles and technological applications of metasurfaces, and particularly aim to explore on new materials, structures, and advanced optical science/functionality of metasurfaces for applications spanning from imaging system, bio/chemical sensing, energy harvesting devices, communication system, and data storage. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP9. "Tunable and Nonlinear Metasurfaces"Organizers: Chen-Bin (Robin) Huang & Jer-Shing Huang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), Kuo-Ping Chen (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) The development of metasurfaces with wavelength tunable or nonlinear optical functionality is gathering great attention lately. This session will cover recent advances in fundamental physics and applications of nonlinearity, tunability and reconfiguration in metasurfaces and plasmonics. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP10. "A bottom-up approach towards metamaterials and plasmonics"Organizer: Dorota Pawlak (ITME, Poland) & Virginie Ponsinet (CNRS-Université de Bordeaux, France) The session will cover all aspects of novel approaches to manufacturing of materials with special electromagnetic properties as metamaterials and plasmonic materials. The stress will be on bottom-up approach however the session aims to bring together also scientists applying novel ideas in top-down manufacturing methods. The session will include manufacturing, theory, characterization and application. The session aims to bring together material scientists, experts in electromagnetic theory and characterization as well as researchers presenting applications of the materials. Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP11. "Active, Nonlinear, Quantum, and Reconfigurable Plasmonics and Metamaterials"Organizers: Christos Argyropoulos (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) & Pai-Yen Chen (Wayne State University, USA) Active, nonlinear, quantum, and reconfigurable plasmonic, metamaterial and metasurface devices are considered among the most promising platforms for efficient light manipulation and the generation of tunable functionalities in devices such as lasers, optoelectronic components, optical nanoantennas, switches, and modulators. This session will cover recent advances in physics and applications of nonlinearity, tunability and switchability in plasmonics, quantum effects in nanophotonics, metasurfaces and metamaterials. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP12. "New concepts for energy harvesting and photon management"Organizers: Mohamed Farhat & Fahhad H. Alharbi (QEERI, HBKU, Qatar Foundation, Qatar) As the demand for alternative energy sources grow and particularly solar cells, the quest for more efficient and economically lucrative cells is in the core of the field. Among the considered concepts are utilizing plasmonics, mimicking photosynthesis, and exploring nanostructuring. Plasmonics is considered as the ultimate light manipulation at subwavelength scale. More recently, researchers started investigating ways to exploit these extraordinary features to design novel solar cells. As for photosynthesis, the quantum efficiency is almost perfect; such feature should be very useful for solar cells. Nanostructuring on the other hand has been used in different ways in solar cells. This special session will focus on recent development on many aspects of the new concepts for solar devices and photon management. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP13. "Hybrid Plasmonics with Quantum Confined Materials and Devices"Organizers: Palash Bharadwaj (Rice University, USA) & Hayk Harutyunyan (Emory University, USA) Reduced dimensionality and quantum confinement enable manipulation of light-matter interaction at the nanoscale. Plasmonic materials concentrate light into nanometric dimension enhancing this interaction strength dramatically. The marriage of these two types of nanosystems promises new paradigms in nanophotonics combining classical particles with large scattering cross section with quantum excitations. These hybrid nanomaterials will pave the way for new photonic devices, solar energy applications and photocatalysis. Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP14. "Fano resonances in optics and microwaves: Physics and application"Organizers: Eugene Kamenetskii (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) & Almas Sadreev (Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Being originated in atomic physics, Fano resonances have become one of the most appealing phenomena in the wave resonant scattering in optics and microwaves. The Fano resonances have been extensively studied in nanoparticles, plasmonic structures, and metamaterial systems. Strongly dispersive Fano phenomenon is exploited for ultrasensitive biosensing. Fano resonances in plasmonic and magnonic structures, Fano resonances and exceptional points, collapse of Fano resonances – all these and many other problems related to the Fano resonances are the topics for discussions in the Session. It is very worthwhile to encourage the lightwave community and the microwave community to meet and talk (or listen) to each other in the Session on the Fano-resonance phenomenon. Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP15. "Parity-Time and related symmetries in Photonics, Plasmonics, Acoustics"Organizers: Anatole Lupu (Paris-Sud University, France), Henri Benisty (Institut d'Optique Graduate School, France) & Kin Hung Fung (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong) The use of new symmetry properties in Photonics, Plasmonics, Acoustics has emerged in the recent years. They exploit unusual categories of states that open yet unexplored applicative and fundamental avenues. Parity-Time symmetric structures are a key example of such a class of non-Hermitian systems of renewed interest in optics and photonics (gain/loss structures), with features such as broken symmetries and nonreciprocal reflections. This special session will cover theoretical and experimental progress in the exploration and functionalization of systems exhibiting this class of special-symmetry-related features in the areas of photonics, plasmonics and acoustics. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP16. "Plasmonic Nanocircuits: Fundamentals and Devices"Organizer: Hong Wei (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) The excitation of surface plasmons in metal nanostructures enables manipulating light at deep subwavelength scale, which can be utilized for developing highly integrated nanophotonic circuits for optical information processing and optical sensing applications. This session will cover recent advances in plasmonic light manipulation, light-matter interactions and nanophotonic devices for information and sensing applications. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP17. "Classical and Quantum Applications using Fast and Slow Light Photonics"Organizers: Sebastian Schulz (University of Ottawa, Canada), William Whelan-Curtin (Liam O’Faolain) (University of St. Andrews, UK) & Khaled Mnaymneh (National Research Council, Canada) This special session is geared towards recent advances in using various mechanisms of creating and using slow and fast light for a broad range of applications from sensing and communications to quantum photonics. Slow and fast light is a term that summarizes ways that the dispersion relations created in materials and structures are used to control light generation, detection and propagation. This capability allows custom control over optical phenomena and promises a way forward to all-optical processing. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP18. "Towards integrated quantum photonics: materials, designs, technologies and applications"Organizers: Lucia Caspani (University of Strathclyde, UK) & Alessandro Casaburi (University of Glasgow, UK) Quantum information science takes advantage of quantum mechanics to perform perfectly secure quantum key distribution in cryptography, intrinsic parallel quantum computation and increased precision metrology. Among the various physical systems, photons represent the logical choice: almost noise or decoherence free, easy manipulation to realize one-qubit logic gates and encoding in any of several degrees of freedom (polarization, time-bin, or path). Quantum technologies based on photons will likely require an integrated optics architecture with on-chip integrated single photon sources, optic elements and single photon detectors for ultimately improved performance, miniaturization, and scalability. This session focuses on the recent advances in the development of integrated photonics platforms including: Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP19. "META-magnetism and interdisciplinary applications"Organizers: Ilya Razdolski (FHI Berlin, Germany), David Schmool (GEMaC CNRS, France), Ko-Wei Lin (NCHU, Taiwan) & Vasily Temnov (IMMM CNRS, France) This session aims at evaluating the effects of a magnetic field in several merging research directions based on the magneto-photonic probing of hybrid nanostructures at the nano-scale. Recent advances in magneto-photonics, studies of the optical, electronic and structural properties of magnetic nanostructures and their arrays, ultrafast and nonlinear optical probing of magnetization dynamics, magneto-plasmonics and magneto-acoustics will help to identify the similarities between these seemingly disparate physical phenomena and identify research and technological opportunities in what we denote as META-magnetism; the interdisciplinary branch of nanophotonics where magnetic effects play the dominant role. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP20. "Nanophotonics and plasmonics for information applications"Organizer: Haitao Liu (Institute of Modern Optics, Nankai University, China) Nanophotonics and plasmonics allow manipulation of light in nano-scale dimensions especially with the use of surface plasmons that break through the fundamental diffraction limit of light. The nano-scale confinement of light drastically scales down the dimension of optical devices and enhances the light-matter interaction, bringing new opportunities for many information applications. This section will cover recent advances in utilizing nanophotonics and plasmonics for information applications such as sensing, imaging, integrated optical circuits and information processing. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP21. "Metamaterial Structures for Healthcare Applications"Organizers: Themos Kallos (Metamaterial Technologies Inc., Canada & MediWise Ltd., UK) & Panagiotis Kosmas (King's College London, UK) This session will focus on recent developments in the use of metamaterials for healthcare applications, which has attracted great interest from numerous research groups in recent years. Rather than theoretical developments, the session aims to focus on real-life applications of metamaterials in fields such as sensing, imaging and treatment. These applications involve research in various topics which include, but are not limited to: Topics:
SP22. "Near, Mid and Far Infrared Photonics"Organizer: Artur Davoyan (California Institute of Technology, USA) This session examines new ways of generating, detecting and harnessing infrared radiation, coherent and thermal, for applications related to sensing, imaging, communications, and energy production. The focus is on photonic micro and nanostructures, graphene and other van der Waals materials, and novel optoelectronic platforms for radiation management from terahertz to near-infrared. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP23. "Periodic Systems with Glide Symmetry"Organizers: Rhiannon Mitchell-Thomas (University of Exeter, UK) & Guido Valerio (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France) Employing higher symmetries in periodic systems has been shown to vastly alter their dispersion characteristics. Building on the pioneering work on glide and screw symmetries of Oliner, this session will highlight the newly discovered application for these geometries to improve bandwidth and achieve high contrast index grading for metasurfaces and metamaterials. Applications such as surface lenses, leaky wave antennas and electromagnetic band gap devices will be discussed. Theoretical models, numerical analysis and experimental validation across a broad frequency range are welcome in this session. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP24. "Advances in Nanolasers"Organizers: Ren-Min Ma (Peking University, China) & Mercedeh Khajavikhan (CREOL, USA) Nanolasers employ ever smaller microscale cavities to enhance the light matter interaction which brings fundamentally new capabilities to biochemical sensing, super-resolution imaging, nanolithography and on-chip optical communication. This session will cover recent advances in physics and applications of nanolasers. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP25. "Photo/Thermal Conversions and Their Applications with Photonic Crystal, Plasmonics and Metamaterials"Organizers: Qiang Li (Zhejiang University, China) & Hui Liu (Nanjing University, China) The ability to generate and control light and heat in the nanoscale has received huge attention. The ubiquitous absorption in metal and semiconductor materials provides an avenue for photo-to-thermal (optical absorption) and thermal-to-photo (thermal radiation) conversions. With photonic crystal, plasmonics and metamaterials to confine energy in the near-field, the photo/thermal conversions can be significantly enhanced and artificially engineered. The photo/thermal conversions have triggered a variety of new applications, including thermophotovoltaics, water processing, imaging/camouflage, optical recording, heating/cooling, material processing, etc. This special session will focus on recent development on photo/thermal conversions and their applications. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP26. "THz metamaterial and metasurface"Organizers: Qiang Cheng (Southeast University, China) & Qi Ye Wen (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China) Recent advance in THz metamaterials have enabled rapid development of various functional devices within this range, including filters, lens, switchers and modulators. Due to the lack of response to THz radiation for most natural materials,artificial metamaterials made of subwavelength structures have been demonstrated to have great potentials to tailor and manipulate terahertz waves at will,thereby facilitating the design of novel components and systems in the THz region. This session will cover recent development in the theory, experiments and applications of terahertz metamaterial and metasurface. Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP27. "Acousto-elastic metamaterials and phononic crystals"Organizers: Marco Miniaci (University of Le Havre, France) & Yoon Young Kim (Seoul National University, Korea) In recent years, the study and design of novel materials with unconventional and advanced vibrational properties, often referred to as elasto-acoustic metamaterials, has opened up new research roadmaps due to their unique possibilities to control elastic waves even at sub-wavelength scale. The structural periodicity and extreme anisotropy as well as local resonances rather than material’s intrinsic property, governs the overall dynamic properties, leading to exotic physical properties, such as negative refraction, stop-band filtering, cloaking, energy harvesting etc., unachievable using continuous materials or traditional composites. In parallel, recent advances in material science and technology have allowed the realization of a huge variety of metamaterials operating at very different frequency scales, leading to novel application proposals in the field of wave control, focusing and collimation, environmental noise reduction, or even earthquake protection. Contributions will address the mechanics of acousto-elastic metamaterials, comprising phononic crystals with direction-dependent frequency bands caused by Bragg scattering and metamaterials with the additional feature of local resonance giving rise to sub-wavelength phenomena. This Special Session is intended to provide a forum for researchers working in the field of metamaterials to disseminate their ideas on the design and characterization of new configurations, highlighting novel dynamic phenomena and exploring additional promising applications. Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP28. "Metamaterials in Communication Systems"Organizers: Yue Li (Tsinghua University, China), Zhi Ning Chen (National University of Singapore, Singapore) & Wei Liu (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Metamaterial is a powerful concept to solve the practical industrial problems. From an engineering point of view, the session will cover the latest progress in the applications of metamaterials in communication systems, discussion how to translate the physical concepts of metamaterials into engineering technologies. These topics of the session include but are not limited to: Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP29. "Plasmonic Sensor for Biomedical Device"Organizer: Hao Yu & Yu Luo (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Plasmonic sensors for the application in biomedical devices have attracted lots of research interests recently. In this session, we will focus on the latest theories and techniques of plasmonic sensors operating at microwave or terahertz frequencies, which may show the biomedical application such as cancer cell detection, blood analysis, protein characterization, real-time monitoring of antigen-antibody reaction, and so on. Topics:
SP30. "Alternative plasmonic materials"Organizer: Neha Sardana (Institute of Nano Science and Technology, India) The possibility of tailoring the plasmonic response of different un-conventional materials, which not only elucidate higher electromagnetic response but also show a promising future in photonics and optoelectronics will be the key highlight of this session. This session will focus on the recent advances in the development of new un-conventional materials used in any photonic / optoelectronic application. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP31. "Coupling of magnetic and electric dipoles to magneto-electric resonances in nanostructures and metasurfaces"Organizers: Aurélien Cuche & Vincent Paillard (CEMES, France) Plasmonic nanostructures and high-refractive index dielectric nanoantennas present strong optical resonances of electric and/or magnetic nature. The interplay between these resonances allows manipulating macroscopic optical properties such as light scattering directionality and spectral control, bringing new opportunities for many information processing and photonic applications. This special session will focus on recent development on several aspects of the understanding of the electric and magnetic components of the light in the near field of metallic and dielectric nanoantennas and metasurfaces, along with the understanding of the photodynamics of magnetic and electric dipole transitions interacting with magnetic and/or electric resonances. Topics:
SP32. "Novel photonic and plasmonic structures: theory and applications"Organizers: Fangfang Ren (Nanjing University, China) & Qingguo Du (Wuhan University of Technology, China) Photonic and plasmonic structures play important roles in optoelectronic devices development. With advanced nanofabrication techniques, many photonic and plasmonic structures based devices have been proposed and studied such as biosensors, photodetectors, photovoltaics/solar cells and LEDs. This session focuses on the theory and applications of novel photonic and plasmonic structures including but not limited to: Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP33. "Recent progress in novel functionalities of plasmonic and metamaterial structures"Organizers: Kazuaki Sakoda (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan) & Teruya Ishihara (Tohoku University, Japan) This session focuses on all kinds of novel functionalities of plasmonic, metamaterial, and photonic crystal structures in the frequency ranges from optical waves to microwaves. Such studies as those in the early stage of investigation, new ideas, and theoretical proposals of new experimental studies are most welcome. So, the topics of the talks are not limited to certain categories. Those listed below are the main topics of the confirmed invited speakers. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP34. "Advanced numerical and theoretical tools as applied to modern nano photonics: Plasmonics and Metamaterials"Organizer: Kofi Edee (Université Blaise Pascal, France) In the fields of nanophotonics and especially plasmonics and metamaterials the theoretical approaches and their related numerical techniques play an extremly important role. A major part of published papers focus on the numerical simulations when exploring plasmonic/metamaterial configurations which is a key step towards design and experimental fulfilment. Among these approaches, methods tailored for diffraction gratings are of high importance because they lighten the numerical load by exploiting the periodicity which is always present in metamaterials for example. Our aim is to organise a session gethering specialsits of diffraction gratings theories in order to discuss the state of the art in the matter and especially focus on the new problems rised by the difficulties to simulate new nanophotonic devices. We believe that such a session could be of great interest not only to thereticians/numericians working on diffraction gratings but also to those (experimentalists/designers) who are interested by a applying them to nanophotonics. Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP35. "Optically-assisted mechanical systems for advanced photonics and ultrahigh-precision applications"Organizers: Jong G. Ok (Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea) & Ji-Seok Lim (Youngnam University, Korea) This special session will address the cutting-edge research on the optically-assisted ultrahigh-precision mechanical systems mainly comprising high-precision and scalable nanopatterning and high-resolution imaging, along with their advanced applications. The main topics are including but not limited to the followings: Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP36. "Wideband metamaterials for antennas and related applications"Organizers: Steve Hang Wong (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) & Laure Huitema (XLIM - University of Limoges, France) Metamaterials applied to antenna designs and related applications become popular recently. Size reduction, back-lobe suppression, beam steering, reconfigurability, field redistribution, and gain enhancement in antennas have been demonstrated through the use of different structures of the metamaterials. In this special session, the speakers will exhibit the most updated metamaterials technologies to devote advanced electrical characteristics to the antenna and the array designs. Examples of metamaterial-based antennas from various wireless communication systems will be included from microwave to millimeter-wave frequency spectrums. Topics:
SP37. "Structural Color for Displays and Imaging"Organizers: Debashis Chanda (College of Optics and Photonics - CREOL, University of Central Florida, USA) Structural color is produced through combinations of reflection, scattering and interference which eliminates color bleaching of pigmentation based absorptive color generation mechanisms. Plasmonic as well as dielectric metasurfaces/nanostructures offer the unique ability to control the propagation of light via phase/amplitude modifications on nanostructured surfaces, producing vivid structural color. Flexible, thin-film structural color holds great promise for next generation displays and prints. Topics:
SP38. "Recent Advances in Complex Materials and Nanophotonics"Organizers: Konstantin Vytovtov (Astrakhan State Technical University, Russia) This session will serve as an interdisciplinary platform for researchers to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Advanced Materials and Nanophotonics. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers: This session has been upgraded to Symposium II SP39. "Potential application of metamaterials"Organizers: Tae In Choi (Center for Advanced Meta-Materials, Korea) he unusual properties of metamaterials, that metamaterials could be designed to control light/electromagnetic/sound waves, and other physical phenomena, have great potential applications. This session will focus on recent advances in potential applications of metamaterials. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP40. "Innovative Metamaterials"Organizers: Namkyoo Park (Seoul National University, Korea) & Jeong Weon Wu (Ewha Womans University, Korea) Metamaterial is a platform where new optical functionalities can be implemented for innovative technology. Innovative metamaterial session covers variety of metamaterial structures possessing new optical functionalities by an elaborate design of subwavelength inclusions. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
SP41. "Applications of nanophotonics and metamaterials in bio-imaging"Organizers: Wonshik Choi (Korea University, Korea) & Pilhan Kim (KAIST, Korea) Artificially designed structures whose patterns are smaller than the wavelength of interest can induce unique effects such as field enhancement and wave confinement well below the wavelength scale. In nanophotonics and metamaterials, these effects have been exploited to control and manipulate waves beyond what is possible by the conventional technologies. In this session, we will focus our attention to the implications of these emerging technologies in imaging applications and potential applications to biology and medicine. A wide range of applications will be discussed including, but not limited to : optical imaging, ultrasound imaging, microwave imaging, devices for the control of spatial wave patterns, and etc. Topics:
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
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