Pre-Conference Tutorials

META'17, the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics will host a full-day tutorials that will focus on new research directions and initiatives. The tutorials will be part of the main conference technical program, and are free of charge to the attendees of the conference.


Namkyoo Park
Seoul National University, Korea  

Hakjoo Lee
CAMM, Korea

Junsuk Rho


Tutorial is free of charge. However, a registration is required for organizational purposes.

Click here to register.

Program & Flyer

Click to download the tutorials program and flyer.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone interested in learning about these exciting fields of Physics. Graduate students, postdocs and early career scientists in general are particularly encouraged to attend.


Monday, July 24, 2017.


Tutorials will be held at the Seoul National University (link) in Seoul. Beware that the venue for these tutorials is different from the conference venue! The conference will be held at Songdo Convensia in Incheon.

Seoul National University

Tutorials & Instructors


The optics of film-coupled nanoparticles: a bridge to the quantum realm

Cristian Ciracì, Italian Institute of Technology, Italy

Tutorial length: 1 hour


Spin-enabled optics with metamaterials and metasurfaces

Jensen Li, University of Birmingham, UK

Tutorial length: 1 hour


Reconfigurable Plasmonics and Metamaterials

Yongmin Liu, Northeastern University, USA

Tutorial length: 1 hour


Topological Photonics

Ling Lu, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China

Tutorial length: 1 hour



Plasmonic nanolasers: fundamental, application and challenges

Renmin Ma, Peking University, China

Tutorial length: 1 hour


Multipole decomposition and nonradiating sources in nanophotonics/metamaterials

Andrey Miroshnichenko, Australian National University, Australia

Tutorial length: 1 hour


Nonlinear metasurfaces

Thomas Zentgraf, University of Paderborn, Germany

Tutorial length: 1 hour

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