Conference Tutorials
Following the great success of the first edition of META tutorials, META 2022 will also feature several technical tutorials instructed by world-leading experts on various topics of interest to the META community. Tutorials are intended to provide a high quality learning experience to conference attendees.
The tutorials are part of the conference technical program, and are free of charge to the conference attendees.
Who Should Attend?
The tutorials will address an audience with a varied range of interests and backgrounds: beginners, students, researchers, lecturers and representatives of companies, governments and funding agencies who wish to learn new concepts and technologies.
July 19-22, 2022.
Tutorials will be held at the conference venue
Tutorials & Instructors
Tutorial 1: "Quantum Meta-Photonics"
Prof. Vladimir Shalaev, Purdue University, USA Tutorial length: 1 hour Description: We discuss important challenges in the emerging quantum technology and possible means to address them with ultrafast plasmonic metamaterials, scalable photonic material platforms and advanced machine-learning designs. |
Tutorial 2: The Road from Resonant Metamaterials to Metadevices
Prof. Mark Brongersma, Stanford University, USA Tutorial length: 1 hour Description: In this tutorial, I will illustrate how 2-dimensional (2D) metamaterials can be created from optically-resonant nanostructures made from semiconductor, metallic, and 2D quantum materials. The resulting metafilms and metasurfaces are ideal building blocks for optoelectronic devices that are commonly constructed from continuous layers of metal and semiconductor. The use of nanostructured metamaterials opens opportunities to dramatically modify the optical emission, transmission, absorption, reflection, and refraction properties of continuous films. For this reason, we can now create a new class of optoelectronic devices that offer an improved performance and allow for new functionalities. |