Conference Tutorials
META 2023 will feature several technical tutorials instructed by world-leading experts on various topics of interest to the META community. Tutorials are intended to provide a high quality learning experience to conference attendees.
The tutorials are part of the conference technical program, and are free of charge to the conference attendees.
Who Should Attend?
The tutorials will address an audience with a varied range of interests and backgrounds: beginners, students, researchers, lecturers and representatives of companies, governments and funding agencies who wish to learn new concepts and technologies.
July 18-21, 2023.
Tutorials will be held at the conference venue
Tutorials & Instructors
Tutorial 1: "Publishing Research with Impact in the Optics and Photonics Field"
Dr. Anja Wecker, Editor in Chief of Advanced Optical Materials (WILEY), Germany Anja Wecker studied chemistry at Saarland University in Saarbrücken where she completed her diploma as well as well as her PhD thesis in the field of physical chemistry. She joined Wiley in 2012. Tutorial length: 1 hour Description: For researchers, it’s a long road from the idea to the published article. Producing great research results does not necessarily mean they will automatically be appreciated by the community. Choosing the right journal, convincing editors and reviewers, and making work visible to others are essential steps on the way to success. In this tutorial talk, I will give an insight into publishing opportunities in relevant journals and the related peer review process. From an editorial perspective, I will provide some guidance on how to best pass peer review and maximize success in scientific publishing. |
Tutorial 2: Disordered optical metasurfaces
Prof. Philippe Lalanne, Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine - CNRS, France Philippe Lalanne is a CNRS Research scientist. Optician by adoption, he is an expert in nanoscale electrodynamics. His first works with Pierre Chavel at Orsay focused on optoelectronic machines for implementing neural networks operating by simulated annealing at video rate. After a sabbatical year at the Institute of Optics (Rochester), he undertook work in the field of diffractive optics. At the Laboratoire Charles Fabry in Palaiseau, he then designed the first high-efficiency metasurfaces, gave general rules for designing microcavities with high quality factor and explained the role of plasmons in the extraordinary optical transmissions. At the Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences in Bordeaux, he is currently studying the non-Hermitian dissipative coupling of light with nanoresonators and the properties of disordered optical metasurfaces. From 2018 to 2022, he was director of the GDR Ondes. He received several distinctions, including a 2022 ERC Advanced grant. He is associate editor of the journal Optica and is a fellow of IOP, SPIE and OPTICA. Tutorial length: 1 hour Description: Shaping the far-field radiation diagrams of surfaces engraved with high-index subwavelength structures belongs to a longstanding and fundamental ambition of wave science. The problem comes in different forms, but generally consists of angularly and spectrally controlling polychromatic light scattering with nanostructures smartly arrayed on a surface. We discuss important challenges in the emerging field of disordered metasurfaces to address applications such as light focusing, light extraction and detection, color and appearance creation. |