We strongly encourage the organization of Special Sessions. These sessions aim to foster focused discussions on emerging topics or innovative applications of well-established methods. A special session may concentrate on a specific theme or showcase work from an international project. Multiple sessions on related topics can be proposed, and if necessary, we will arrange them across different time slots during the conference. You can view the list of special sessions from META 2024 here: click!

Proposal Submission

Each organized session should have a minimum of 6 papers that will not be subject to the regular review cycle, the session organizers have full authority in soliciting and accepting papers for the session. Each session can have a maximum of 2 organizers, who will serve as the session chairs. The organizers may designate other chairs to help manage the session.

META is entirely a community-driven conference with no institutional sponsors. Therefore, all participants, including session organizers, chairs, and invitees, are required to register and pay the conference registration fee.

Selection of invited speakers
  1. Each special session will comprise at least 6 papers, which can include both invited and contributed works relevant to the session's theme.
  2. Each registered author may present a maximum of 2 papers at the conference, including poster presentations.
  3. An author may present only 1 Invited Paper at the conference. Exceptions can be made for Plenary and Keynote speakers.

Please submit your special session proposals to: contact@metaconferences.org proposals should include:

  • Special Session title.
  • A short description (2-3 lines) & covered topics.
  • Session organizer(s).
  • List of potential speakers.

Approved sessions will be posted on the website and will have dedicated tracks in the online submission system.

Important steps

  1. Gather valuable technical contributions by reaching out directly to colleagues in the relevant research field.
  2. Encourage your invitees to submit their papers directly to your session through the online submission process.
  3. Oversee the review process for the papers in your session.
  4. Remind authors to pre-register their papers in your session; only registered papers will be included in the program to prevent no-shows.