META 2025

15th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

Malaga, Spain, 22 - 25 July, 2025

META 2025: Celebrating the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology

Palacio de Congresos

META 2025 will celebrate the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, as proclaimed by the United Nations in recognition of 100 years since the development of quantum science. The conference will focus on groundbreaking advancements, particularly in quantum nanophotonics, a leading area in quantum technologies such as computing, communication, and sensing.

Special sessions on quantum photonics are especially encouraged to highlight the latest innovations and applications in this rapidly evolving field.


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Join the community of researchers and scientists at META 2025, the premier event for cutting-edge developments in the field of Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals, and Plasmonics (Scopus-indexed). As a participant in this 15th edition, you will have the opportunity to showcase your latest findings, collaborate with leading experts in the field, and expand your professional network. With 960 attendees hailing from 42 different countries and a total of 132 technical sessions at the prior Toyama edition, META has firmly established itself as the preeminent conference in the fields of nanophotonics and metamaterials. Your involvement in META provides a unique opportunity to connect with and gain insights from global leaders in these rapidly evolving research areas.

Featuring a dynamic program that covers a wide range of exciting topics such as Metasurfaces and Metadevices, Acoustic and Phononic Metamaterials, Plasmon-enhanced Spectroscopy, Quantum and Nonlinear Photonics, Nanophotonics for Biology and Medicine, and much more, META 2025 is the perfect platform for you to share your knowledge and gain valuable insights from your peers.

The conference will be organized in four days and will feature several plenaries, keynotes, tutorials, and special invited sessions on emerging and interdisciplinary topics.

Khaled Mnaymneh
META 2025 General Co-Chair

National Research Council

Said Zouhdi
META 2025 General Co-Chair

Paris-Saclay University

Videos from past META conferences

Active Metasurfaces in Space and Time

Harry Atwater, California Institute of Technology (USA)

In this talk, I discuss metasurfaces with high quality factor, local, resonant elements capable of twodimensional phase gradient generation, in both passive and active metasurface designs. I also describe active metasurfaces with both spatial and temporal phase gradients, and an active metasurface as a lens-less imaging system, and compare the characteristics to conventional lens-coupled image sensors.


Localized states trapped by topological defects in photonic and hybrid metasurfaces

Daria Smirnova, Australian National University (Australia)

This talk will report novel phonon-polariton states trapped by topological defects in a silicon metasurface integrating hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). Spatially localized polaritonic modes originate from the coupling of electromagnetic fields with phonon vibrations in hBN.


Extreme Control of Light and Sound with Metamaterials

Andrea Alù, City University of New York (USA)

In this talk, I discuss recent developments in this field of research, with an emphasis on the role of symmetries in establishing emerging optical responses for metamaterials based on otherwise simple constituents. Geometrical rotations, suitably tailored perturbations, and broken time reversal symmetry can be carefully engaged to tailor waves in robust and efficient ways, control their propagation, break Lorentz reciprocity and enable topological order and phase transitions.


Structuring light with media with higher dimensions: space, time, and more

Nader Engheta, University of Pennsylvania (USA)

In this talk, I will present some of our most recent results on exploring light-matter interaction in material media with high degrees of freedom and dimensions including spatial and/or temporal inhomogeneities, and other degrees of freedom such as anisotropy, ellipticity, and hyperbolicity. We show how light manipulation with such metastructures with high degrees of freedom can lead to exciting novel wave phenomena with potential applications in wave-based reconfigurable analog computing, 4D optics, and other optical devices and components.


Active photonic metasurfaces empowered by 2D semiconductors

Isabelle Staude, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)

Experiments demonstrating extremely rapid modulation of the permittivity have been performed by exploiting the enhanced non-linear effects possible in the presence of plasmonic resonances. These experiments measure anextreme rise time by exploiting the analogy between Young’s slits which produce diffraction in momentum space and closely spaced time windows which produce diffraction in frequency space.


Extreme time modulation of material properties and Hawking radiation

Sir John Pendry, Imperial College London, (UK)

In this talk, I will present noticeable advances in the device technology for information and vision applications based on meta-photonics. The development in the field of integrated electronics devices has been incredibly fast, and this rapid development has been driven and accelerated by pioneering semiconductor manufacturing technologies that allow extreme scale-downs and creation of 3 dimensional structures. Meta-photonics can provide innovative platforms to produce unprecedented synergetic effect with electronics due to its distinguished capability of manipulating the control of light at the deep subwavelength scale. I will address how device technologies based on meta-photonics can contribute to making a better life, and share remarkable achievements and future goals we are working on.


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