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N. Furini, Leonardo
Nafidi, Abdelhakim, LCMP Nano Re, University Ibn Zohr
Naito, Teruki
Nakano, Yoshiaki, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Japan
Naldoni, Alberto, <p>1-School of Electrical &amp; Computer Engineering and Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN-47907, USA</p><p>2-Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Šlechtitelů 27
Nalimov, Anton Gennadyevich, Samara National Research University
Nalimov, Anton, Samara National Research University, <em>IPSI RAS – Branch of the FSRC "Crystallography and photonics" RAS</em>
Narayana, Vikram K., <p class="Affiliation">Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, USA</p>
Nasir, Mazhar E, King's College London
Nasir, Mazhar E, King's College London UK
Nasir, Mazhar, Department of Physics, King’s College London
Navau, Carles
Nawrath, Cornelius
Neale, Steven
Necada, Marek
Nechayev, Sergey, <p>1.Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Staudtstr. 2, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany.</p><p class="p1">2.Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Staudtstr. 7/B2, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany.</p><p> </p><!-- p.p
Neshev, Dragomir, Nonlinear Physics Centre, Research School of Physics and Engineering, The Australian National University
Neshev, Dragomir N.
Neugebauer, Martin, <p>1.Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Staudtstr. 2, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany.</p><p class="p1">2.Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Staudtstr. 7/B2, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany.</p>
Ng, Charlene, Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Dresden (IPF)
Nguyen, Minh-Chau, Neurophotonics Laboratory, CNRS UMR 8250, University Paris Descartes, Paris, France
Nguyen, Tien Hoa
Nieder, Jana B., INL- Braga
Nikkhah, Hamdam, Dr.
Nishijima, Yoshiaki, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University, Japan

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