META 2018, the 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

Round-trip Marseille Cruise

June 24, 2018 – July 1, 2018

Join us for the next edition META 2019
in Lisbon - Portugal!

For its 10th Anniversary, META 2018 will be a memorable event - the most spectacular conference we ever arranged! We will embark on the Dream-class cruise ship Costa Diadema, the largest vessel flying an Italian flag. We will be sailing together in the Western Mediterranean for 8 days and visiting 6 exciting cities. Don’t miss to join, with your families, this once-in-a lifetime experience!


META 2018 will be the opportunity to present your recent results, and meet and network with world renowned experts in Nanophotonics and Metamaterials. The program will facilitate discussions on various current hot topics such as metasurfaces & metadevices, topological effects in optics, two-dimensional materials, light-matter interaction in nanocavities, plasmonic circuits, thermal engineering, quantum photonic systems, etc. Featuring several plenary, keynote and invited speakers, the program will provide insights into the latest trends and strategies actionable to deal with the practical challenges faced by the community.

Associated Journals & Special Issues

All conference participants are invited to submit manuscripts for consideration in one of the journal special issues associated with the conference: Nanophotonics (De Gruyter), Applied Physics A (Springer), Optical Materials Express (OSA) & Advanced Electromagnetics.

Year after year, META becomes a MUST ATTEND Event!

Conference Videos

Below you can find videos of the plenary presentations from META'17 conference held in Incheon (Korea), 25-28 July 2017.

Metaoptics in the visible

Federico Capasso, Harvard University, USA


Towards Scalable Semiconductor Quantum Networks

Dirk Englund, MIT, USA


Active Quantum Nanoplasmonics: From Single Molecule Strong Coupling to Stopped-Light QED and Lasing

Ortwin Hess, Imperial College London, UK


Tip-enhanced Raman scattering microscopy: plasmonic molecular imaging beyond the limits

Satoshi Kawata, Osaka University, Japan


Parity-Time-Symmetric Optics, extraordinary momentum and spin in evanescent waves, and the quantum spin Hall effect of light

Franco Nori, RIKEN, Japan & University of Michigan, USA


Optical Antennas; Spontaneous Emission Faster Than Stimulated Emission

Eli Yablonovitch, UC Berkeley, USA


Parity-time Symmetry Breaking Lasing and Anti-Lasing

Xiang Zhang, UC Berkeley, USA


Metamaterials, anapoles and flying donuts

Nikolay Zheludev, University of Southampton, UK & NTU, Singapore


Want to see more videos?



Special Issues in Journals


We are delighted to announce that the following journals will be publishing special issues to mark this year's conference:

  • Nanophotonics (De Gruyter)
  • Applied Physics A (Springer)
  • Optical Materials Express (OSA)
  • Advanced Electromagnetics

All conference presenters are invited to submit manuscripts for consideration in one of these special issues.

Posted: 2018-02-09 More...

META'14 in Singapore!


The next edition of META will be organized in Singapore, from 20 to 23 May, 2014.


Posted: 2013-06-12

Important notice: accommodation


There are a limited number of rooms left in the hotels proposed by the symposium, please make your reservation as early as possible. No other hotels will be added, you will be responsible for making your own hotel reservations and arrangements. Thank you.

See Accommodation section for further details.

Posted: 2013-02-04

Preliminary Program


The preliminary program has been completed, and can be viewed online here .

Posted: 2013-01-31

Register now!

Registration is now open, with early bird discounts in effect through 8 February 2013.  For more information, please visit the registration section.
Posted: 2012-12-08
More Announcements...





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