Full-length paper preparation
All authors with accepted papers (lectures and posters) at META'13 are invited to submit an extended version of their paper for the conference proceedings before 8 February, 2013. It is mandatory to use this template file for the layout (see Publications section for more information).
Paper Submission
Please use one of the options below to submit your abstract:
- Option 1: Upload your paper using our online form. This option is highly recommanded.
- Option 2: Send you paper as an email attachment to the conference secretary:
Start here to submit a paper to this conference:
Step one of the submission process
Special Issues
The full-length papers (prepared with the template above) submitted to META'13 will be automatically* considered for publication in either:
- Special issue of the journal Applied Physics A (Springer). Acceptance for publication in the journal is subject to peer review and the journal still reserves the right to refuse the publication of any paper that does not meet the journal's standards of acceptability. The number of pages is limited to 6 pages for regular papers, 12 pages for invited papers and up to 20 pages for keynote papers.
- Special issue of the journal Advanced Electromagnetics. Please note that all manuscripts will be subject to the usual selection process including the peer review procedure. The acceptance for presentation at the conference will not be a guarantee that the paper will also be included in the special issue.
Please use a cover page to let us know your preference when submitting the full-length papers.
*If you don't want your paper to be considered for publication in none of these special issues please inform us.
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